Leon|Alcala, PLLC
SuperSearch Form

Please enter the requested information into the form below to help us have the most up-to-date information. All information received here will be verified before public posting. While we need to know who you are, your contact information is for TexasISD.com use only and will not be shared with ANYONE! You are welcome to send out of state updates if it involves Texas supers or if someone out of state is coming to Texas. Right now the scope of the SuperSearch chart allows only superintendents and a few select executive positions in our field around the state. If you are a search firm wishing to post an out of state paid vacancy listing, please fill out this form as best you can and we will be contacting you.

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For information regarding upgrading your listing, please go to http://www.texasisd.com/adwebs/TXISD_Policies/SuperSearch_Chart_Policy.htm or call our office at (936) 622-3411.

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