Leon|Alcala, PLLC

Joe’s Commentary: “Texas Educators Vote”

posted on January 26 - 09:00 AM
By Josh - TexasISD.com

Creating a culture of voting in Texas is an admirable goal, especially in a state that has the least percentage of its population that votes in the nation. For this to be recognized by our educators and then having them step forward to lead the way, is to be commended.

I am proud to be one who is supporting the movement. However, there are those who do not wish to improve Texans’ participation in our election process, perhaps because they fear losing control, not only of the vote but of who votes as well. I assume these are the folks concerned about the educators’ goal of creating a culture of voting in our students, an effort which seems to be endorsing ignorance. Having a well informed citizenry is a foundational principle of freedom.

Texas Educators Vote is the product of a exemplary list of partners in this effort. Efforts by some of our state leadership to intimidate our educators efforts is pitiful. I commend the Belton school board for its strong stand and the adoption of a resolution stating so: <link>.

According to board president, Randy Pittenger, quoted in the Temple Daily News, Belton ISD trustees approve 'culture of voting' resolution:

The resolution authorizes Belton ISD to continue communicating the importance of voting to students and staff. Pittenger read the resolution during Monday’s meeting. The resolution authorizes the district to create district communications that encourage voting, remind staff and eligible students of voting times and locations, and “encourage employees to use third party tools to learn about candidates’ positions on public education.

Thank you, Randy Pittenger and board for your commitment to the students in Belton ISD - js - webmaster@texasisd.com

P.S. I am a former Texas educator and I commit to vote in the March primary and the November general elections. I will vote in support of the more than 5.4 million Texas school children and their tax paying parents. - js