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United ISD Hosts Groundbreaking for Lyndon B. Johnson High School’s 9th Grade Campus
United ISD Held a formal groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of Lyndon B. Johnson High School’s 9th grade campus. Leading the groundbreaking was United ISD Board of Trustee Ramiro Veliz, III and Superintendent, Mr. Roberto J. Santos. Also in attendance were Leyendecker Construction, Franks Architects and Pfluger Architects. L.B. Johnson’s 9th grade campus is projected for completion for the 2019-2020 school year. The New 9th Grade Campus is a standalone 2-story building incorporating an FFA building totaling 201,000 square feet to support an enrollment of twelve hundred students. The structures will sit in a 20-acre tract of land.The facility will have 30 classrooms, 6 science lecture labs with 3 shared prep rooms, 6 business information magnet labs, and a CTE Magnet Lab.
In the area of fine arts will have 2 art labs and a dance Studio, while Athletics and P.E. will share a competition and practice Gym, a weight room and access to outdoor sport fields. Student spaces will include a 600-student cafeteria with an indoor and outdoor dining area. Security for the campus will start at the perimeter with a guardhouse, followed by a security station located in the main entrance foyer where visitors check in and request entry into the building. The campus will also include Card Reader Access Control at the School's main entrance and other limited areas where employees would need to swipe District issued access control cards to gain entry in to building. The Parking lot will accommodate 250 vehicles.
This project was made possible through the funds allocated from the 2013 Bond Program. United ISD is committed to incorporating the 9th grade concept model in all of its high schools in an effort to further foster our mission of inspiring all of our students to become responsible world citizens by pursing excellence through life-long learning.
Lyndon B. Johnson Administration, Assistant Principal Juan Herrera, Principal Armando Salazar and Assistant principal, Patricia Hinojosa pose with students at its 9th grade groundbreaking ceremony.