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90 Superintendent Vacancies Click to expand

Vacant Crockett ISD; Search by: Arrow Educational ServicesINFO
Vacant Needville ISD; Search by: Arrow Educational ServicesINFO
Vacant Uvalde CISD; Search By: Region 20 ESCINFO
Vacant Blooming Grove ISD; Search by: Blooming Grove ISD Board of Trustees & Gary MartelINFO
Vacant Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Carrizo Springs ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Dickinson ISD; Search by: Dickinson ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant La Gloria ISD; Search by: La Gloria ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Whitney ISD; Search by: Whitney ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Pineywoods Community Academy
Vacant Dilley ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Kermit ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Burton ISD; Search by: Powell Law Group, Dr. Danny LovettINFO
Vacant Union Hill ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Socorro ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Grape Creek ISD; Search by: Grape Creek ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Santa Maria ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Vysehrad ISD; Search by: Region 3 ESC, Exec. Dir. Morris LyonINFO
Vacant Pettus ISD - Jesus Hernandez III, Chief of Staff,Southwest ISD; Search by: JCA Law, PLLC
and DBU Educational Leadership Consulting Corporation.INFO
Vacant University of Texas High School Special Purpose District; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Grandbury ISD; Search by: Arrow Educational ServicesINFO
Vacant Scurry-Rosser ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Huntington ISD; Search by: Kelli Karczewski, Fisher FirmINFO
Vacant Granger ISD; Search by: Leasor Crass, P.CINFO
Vacant Bremond ISD; Search by: Bremond ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Santa Rosa ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Plains ISD; Search by: Leasor Crass, P.CINFO
Vacant Pasadena ISD - Search by: TASB Executive Search Services; INFO
Vacant San Isidro ISD (Short Timeline); Search by: Region One ESC, Exec. Dir. Dr. Daniel P. KingINFO
Vacant Queen City ISD; Search by: Danny Lovett, Powell Law GroupINFO
Vacant Commerce ISD - Search by: Commerce ISD Board of Trustees; INFO
Vacant Gonzales ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Charlotte Baker,INFO
Vacant Decatur ISD; Search by: Decatur ISD Board of Trustees INFO
Vacant Livingston ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Dell City ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Seminole ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Hudson ISD - Search by: TASB Executive Search Services; INFO
Vacant Groesbeck ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Compass Academy Charter School
(Odessa); Search by: Kathy Killingsworth, Interim Superintent assisted by Larry Lee, Leadership Consultant with Region 18INFO
Vacant Bonham ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Bells ISD; Search by: Bells ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Gustine ISD - Coy Barker, Principal,McCamey ISD; Search by: Ronnie KincaidINFO
Vacant Ennis ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Pearsall ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Charlotte Baker,INFO
Vacant Holland ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Central Heights ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Borger ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Smithville ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Waskom ISD; Search by: Leasor Crass, P.CINFO
Vacant Comstock ISD; Comstock ISD Board of Trustees and O.K. Wolfenbarger IIIINFO
Vacant Karnes City ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Dr. Ann DixonINFO
Vacant Muleshoe ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Edgewood ISD
(Region 7); Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Lubbock-Cooper ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Frank Liu Jr. Academy of Music and Art

 ; Thompson & Horton LLP - David Thompson & Dr. Mike MosesINFO
Vacant Waxahachie ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Dr. Ann DixonINFO
Vacant Monahans-Wickett-Pyote ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Deer Park ISD; Search by: Deer Park ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Olney ISD
(Young Co.); Search by: Region 9 ESC, Darren Francis and Kenny MillerINFO
Vacant Throckmorton Collegiate ISD; Search by: Region 9 ESC, Darren Francis and Kenny MillerINFO
Vacant Lake Worth ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant New Home ISD; Search by: Region 17 ESC, Kyle Wargo Exec. DirectorINFO
Vacant Webb CISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Schulenburg ISD; Search by: Texans for Excellence in Education, John PetreeINFO
Vacant Moulton ISD; <p>Search by: Region 3 ESC, <a href="">Exec. Dir. Morris Lyon</a></p>INFO
Lone Finalist Valley View ISD - James Womack, Superintendent,Richland Springs ISD; Education Solutions and Services Mike Smith & Letha HopkinsINFO
Lone Finalist Dew ISD - Kent Reynolds, Superintendent,Hallsburg ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Lone Finalist Early ISD - Joan Otten, Director,Katy ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Richards ISD - Michael Smith, Chief Operations Officer,West Hardin ISD; Search by: Leon|Alcala PLLCINFO
Lone Finalist Northside ISD (Wilbarger Co.)  - Paul Ryan, Superintendent,Rio Vista ISD; Search by: Region 9 ESC, Darren Francis and Kenny MillerINFO
Lone Finalist Carroll ISD - Dr. Jeremy Glenn, Superintendent,Grandbury ISD; Search by: Carrrol ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Lone Finalist Hutto ISD - Jeni Neatherlin, Superintendent,Granger ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Louise ISD - Richard Wright, Superintendent,Agua Dulce ISD; Search by: Leon|Alcala PLLCINFO
Lone Finalist San Benito CISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Waco ISD - Dr. Tiffany Spicer, Superintendent,Buna ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Onalaska ISD - Dr. Kenneth Fraga, Assistant Superintendent,Onalaska ISD; Search by: Onalaska ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Lone Finalist Graham ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Lone Finalist Lueders-Avoca ISD - Dr. Joe Alcorta, Superintendent,Dalhart ISD; Search by: Ronnie KincaidINFO
Lone Finalist Lipan ISD - Jimmie Dobbs, Interim Superintendent,Lipan ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Calvert ISD - Latisha Crockett-Tennell, Interim Superintendent,Calvert ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Lone Finalist Albany ISD - Daryl Stuard, Superintendent,Bremond ISD; Search by: Ronnie KincaidINFO
Lone Finalist Victoria ISD - Shelia Collazo, Deputy Superintendent,Somerset ISD; Search by: JCA Law, PLLC and Saul HinojosaINFO
Lone Finalist Hawkins ISD - Jeff Hutchins, Director of Operations,Van ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Lone Finalist Monte Alto ISD - Rashad Javed Rana, Assistant Superintendent,Donna ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Lone Finalist Grandfalls-Royalty ISD - Carlos Contreras, Superintendent,Dell City ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Copperas Cove ISD - Brent Hawkins, Superintendent,Livingston ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Utopia ISD - Joshua Ham, Principal,San Saba ISD; Search by: Utopia ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Lone Finalist Buna ISD - Dr. Julie Motomura, Superintendent,​Schulenburg ISD; Search By: Buna ISD Board of Trustees INFO
Lone Finalist Ector County ISD - Search by: TASB Executive Search Services, Keeley Boyer,Ector County ISD; INFO
Lone Finalist Splendora ISD - Dustin Bromley, Deputy Superintendent,La Porte ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Lone Finalist Mount Calm ISD - Jay Underwood, Deputy Superintendent,Anna ISD; Search by: Powell Law Group, Shaun BarnettINFO
Lone Finalist Guthrie CSD - Jason Lawson, Principal,Krum ISD; Search by: Region 17 ESC, Kyle Wargo Exec. DirectorINFO
Lone Finalist Grand Prairie ISD - Dr. Gabriel Trujillo, Superintendent,Nacogdoches ISD; Search by: Grand Prairie ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
New Super Mathis ISD - Todd White, Superintendent,Santa Anna ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
New Super Dickinson ISD - Dr. Rebecca Brown, Deputy Superintendent,La Porte ISD; Search by: SPALDING NICHOLS LAMP LANGLOISINFO
New Super Hereford ISD - Dr. Ralph Carter, Superintendent,Lipan ISD; Hereford ISD Board of Trustees & Region 16 ESC, Dr. Tanya Larkin, Exec. Dir.INFO
New Super Anna ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
New Super Region 10 ESC
Executive Director - Dr. Jana Melsheimer, Deputy Director,Region 10 ESC; Thomposon & Horton LLP - David Thompson & Dr. Mike MosesINFO
New Super Amarillo ISD - Dr. Deidre Parish, Superintendent,Sweetwater ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Dr. Ann DixonINFO
New Super Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD; Thompson & Horton LLP - David Thompson & Dr. Mike MosesINFO

Corpus Christi ISD has named its new southeast middle school. See what it will be called.

February 2508:20 AM

A new middle school in Corpus Christi will be called Lexington Middle School after the Corpus Christi Independent School District board of trustees voted to approve the name Monday evening. The school, located in southeast Corpus Christi near Creekside Elementary School, is being constructed as a result of a bond approved by voters in 2022. view article  arw

Body found on Fort Worth ISD elementary school grounds

February 2508:20 AM

A body was found on the school grounds of Fort Worth ISD's Dolores Huerta elementary school on Friday morning. The elementary school is located in the northern part of Fort Worth, not far from the Fort Worth Stockyards. view article  arw

Aldine ISD board will vote on whether to close six schools Tuesday. Here’s what to know

February 2508:19 AM

The Aldine ISD Board of Trustees is expected to vote Tuesday night on whether to close six campuses, a move it's considering to save money in the face of rapidly declining enrollment. If the board OKs the measure, the district will have closed nine campuses in the last two years, affecting just over 4,000 students across the district. view article  arw

Royal ISD leaders advocate for public school investment and policy reform

February 2508:18 AM

Royal ISD Superintendent Rick Kershner, school board President Scott Hartman, Secretary Melissa Woods, Trustee Elton Foster and Trustee Rose Jones joined other education leaders for the 2025 Day at the Capitol, held Feb. 19-20 at the state Capitol building in Austin. The event provided an opportunity to advocate for increased spending in Texas public schools during the 89th Texas Legislative Session. During their visit, district leaders met with District 85 State Rep. Stan Kitzman (R-Brookshire) to discuss the needs of Texas public schools. view article  arw

Corpus Christi ISD has named its new southeast middle school. See what it will be called.

February 2508:15 AM

A new middle school in Corpus Christi will be called Lexington Middle School after the Corpus Christi Independent School District board of trustees voted to approve the name Monday evening. The school, located in southeast Corpus Christi near Creekside Elementary School, is being constructed as a result of a bond approved by voters in 2022. view article  arw

Tyler ISD AD Greg Priest leaving to become AD at Rockwall ISD

February 2508:14 AM

Rockwall ISD named Greg Priest as the district’s new athletic director on Monday night, the district announced. Priest has been the athletic director of Tyler ISD since June 2014. view article  arw

Tyler ISD Athletic Director Greg Priest headed to Rockwall ISD

February 2508:14 AM

Tyler ISD announces that longtime Athletic Director Greg Priest has been named the new Executive Athletic Director at Rockwall ISD. Priest, who has led Tyler ISD Athletics for over a decade, will transition to his new role at Rockwall ISD later this spring. “It has been an incredible honor to serve as the Athletic Director at Tyler ISD,” Priest said. “The past decade has been filled with unforgettable moments, talented student-athletes, dedicated coaches, and a supportive community that has made a lasting impact on me. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this journey, and while I look forward to this next chapter at Rockwall ISD, I will always cherish my time in Tyler.” view article  arw

Why is Socorro ISD in financial crisis? Because it’s been spending a lot more money than it takes in

February 2508:10 AM

About 300 Socorro ISD employees will be laid off in the coming weeks, the starkest of a number of actions the school board approved Wednesday to cut $38 million from next year’s budget. Socorro’s dire financial situation – officials said the district would be insolvent next year without the steep cuts – has a number of causes. But the primary cause is simple: The district has been spending more money than it takes in for a decade. And each year in that time, the Socorro ISD board voted to knowingly spend more than it was taking in, according to a presentation the school board received during the meeting. view article  arw

Ashby one of five candidates for chancellor of Texas A&M

February 2505:11 AM

The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents has interviewed five candidates to replace outgoing chancellor John Sharp, who is set to retire in June. State Rep. Trent Ashby (R-Lufkin) was one of the five interviewees, according to The Texas Tribune. view article  arw

Gov. Abbott: Feds, State Target Criminal Aliens for Arrest in Colony Ridge

February 2505:00 AM

Gov. Greg Abbott announced that federal authorities and state law enforcement would be targeting criminal illegal aliens in the Colony Ridge development north of Houston. view article  arw

Why two border counties are joining Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star after migration slows

February 2505:00 AM

The counties hope to access state money to help pay for some criminal justice work, such as prosecuting drug cases and overtime.   view article  arw

National test scores show Texas students still lag in math and reading

February 2505:00 AM

Texas students' overall math scores dropped from 2022. But English learners and fourth-grade Black students did better than their peers elsewhere.   view article  arw

Overhaul of schools’ STAAR test proposed by Texas House bill

February 2505:00 AM

The bill would require the state to reduce the test’s length, prioritize post-secondary preparation and launch a revamped version by 2026.  Children in public schools in Texas could be taking a redesigned standardized test as early as next year under a proposal filed in the House on Thursday.  House Bill 4, by state Rep. Brad Buckley, R-Salado, would instruct the Texas Education Agency to modify the test, reducing its length and prioritizing post-secondary preparation. The bill says the new test should ensure Texas ranks in the top five states in preparing students for post-secondary success within 15 years. view article  arw

Texas Lawmakers React To Explosive Allegations in Lottery Scandal

February 2408:38 AM

A shocking report on children working as part of a $95 million lottery scheme is drawing scrutiny from members of both chambers.   view article  arw

Senators on Texas Education Committee Advance Teacher Pay Raises

February 2408:30 AM

The measure would also expand teachers’ opportunities to receive performance-based bonuses and provide them with free pre-kindergarten.  view article  arw

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Attorney General Paxton Seeks Injunction Against NCAA To Protect Women’s Sports

February 2408:30 AM

Attorney General Ken Paxton is taking legal action against the National Collegiate Athletic Association, seeking a temporary injunction to halt what he claims are “deceptive trade practices” as the organization’s athlete eligibility policy could allow men to compete in women’s sports.  view article  arw

Texas Lottery commissioner resigns as agency faces legislative scrutiny

February 2408:30 AM

Clark Smith, one of five members of the commission, stepped down Friday as lawmakers have raised questions about the role of lottery couriers and agency governance.   view article  arw

Austin school district spends $200,000 on TEA-appointed monitors, governance coach

February 2408:30 AM

The Austin school district has spent about $200,000, as of the end of 2024, on outside governance coaching and to cover travel costs for state-appointed monitors as part of the district's 2023 order by the Texas Education Agency to clear chronic backlogs of special education services requests, according to records obtained by the American-Statesman. view article  arw

Public Schools, Not Vouchers, Offer the Most School Choice

February 2408:30 AM

Despite the escalating political rhetoric about taxpayer-funded private school vouchers, the truth remains: Texas public schools are the leaders in providing families with the most academic, athletic, career and technical, and extracurricular choices.  view article  arw

Texas private schools have no required state exams. Will they be held accountable under a voucher plan?

February 2408:30 AM

Texas lawmakers are considering allocating $1 billion to education savings accounts, or a type of voucher system, that would allow taxpayer dollars to go to private school tuition. view article  arw

Texas vouchers spark debate on holding private schools ..

February 2408:30 AM

Texas lawmakers are considering allocating $1 billion to education savings accounts, or a type of voucher system, that would allow taxpayer dollars to go to private school tuition. view article  arw

U.S. agriculture secretary to visit Texas for bird flu roundtable

February 2408:30 AM

The outbreak has led to the slaughter of around 160 million birds.  As avian flu continues to spread, igniting fears among farmers, retailers and customers over everything from animal health to the soaring price of eggs, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins will visit Texas Monday to discuss the nationwide response. view article  arw

Officials warn of measles exposure at San Marcos college, restaurant

February 2408:30 AM

Officials in Central Texas are warning the public about a possible spread of measles as they say a person who was in the area had tested positive for the disease. The Hays County Health Department claimed Sunday that the patient is an individual who was in San Marcos—about 30 miles southwest of Austin—and spent time at a local college and restaurant between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Feb. 14. view article  arw

Fort Worth ISD could join hundreds of districts suing 4 social media giants. Here’s why.

February 2408:30 AM

The Fort Worth Independent School District is taking steps to join hundreds of other school districts nationwide in suing the four big social media companies, alleging the platforms they run contributed to a mental health crisis among students. After a closed-door discussion, the district’s school board voted Tuesday, Feb. 18, to approve contracts with two Texas-based law firms to represent the district in the case. In the complaint, school districts allege the social media platforms “have rewired how adolescents think, learn, feel, and behave,” leaving school leaders to deal with the mental health ramifications. The lawsuit, which was filed last year in San Francisco federal court, targets four big social media companies: Google, which owns YouTube; Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram; ByteDance, owner of TikTok; and Snap, owner of Snapchat. More than 200 school districts nationwide have joined the suit. view article  arw

Measles, once eliminated in the U.S., sickens 99 in Texas and New Mexico

February 2408:30 AM

Health authorities warned of further spread. Most U.S. measles cases this year involved people 19 and under and those without a confirmed vaccination.  Nearly 100 people across Texas and New Mexico have contracted measles, state officials say, escalating anxiety over the spread of a potentially life-threatening illness that was declared eliminated in the United States more than two decades ago. view article  arw

Tarrant, Texas struggle with access to mental health care. Leaders will explore solutions

February 2408:30 AM

When it comes to mental health care access in Texas, the data is unambiguous. Mental Health America, the leading organization promoting mental health and well-being, puts the state dead last in its nationwide access rankings, which measure access to insurance, treatment and mental health workers.  view article  arw

Canutillo ISD faces potential budget cuts

February 2408:25 AM

The Canutillo Independent School District is grappling with a severe budget deficit that could lead to bankruptcy, according to Superintendent Dr. Pedro Galaviz. In a message shared on social media, Galaviz warned of "a serious financial challenge" facing the district, necessitating further cuts to address the shortfall. view article  arw

Majority of students at Houston ISD’s Sam Houston HS were absent on ‘A Day Without Immigrants’

February 2408:22 AM

Several of Houston ISD's schools with the largest Latino enrollments saw drastic drops in attendance on Feb. 3 while the “A Day Without Immigrants" protest was observed nationwide — with one high school having more students absent than present. That Monday, 51% of students at Sam Houston Math, Science, and Technology Center High School were absent, according to attendance data obtained by Houston Public Media through an open records request. That means 1,186 students out of the school's total enrollment of 2,316 missed school. view article  arw

Denton ISD wants to put good teachers on track to make six figures through state-funded incentives

February 2408:21 AM

Denton ISD wants to pay talented, skilled teachers more. Administrators said they plan to apply to the Teacher Incentive Allotment, a program created by the 86th Texas Legislature meant to put educators on a path to a six-figure salary. view article  arw

Aldine ISD substitute teacher accused of improper student relationship, documents say

February 2408:20 AM

A now former Aldine ISD substitute teacher has been charged for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a student, according to court documents. Chastity Houston, 25, has been charged with "Improper Relationship with Student." She was held in jail on a $50,000 bond which has since been posted. view article  arw

Companies are coming to Texas to develop a new generation of nuclear reactors

February 2408:13 AM

The state is aggressively pushing to deploy the next generation of atomic energy that would power big industrial operations.   view article  arw

Texas House unveils school voucher, $8B school finance bills

February 2108:48 AM

Texas House unveils school voucher, $8B school finance bills: 'One size does not fit all'   view article  arw

Keller schools in ‘utter chaos,’ trustee says as board finalizes superintendent’s exit

February 2108:45 AM

Keller school district trustees finalized Superintendent Tracy Johnson’s exit Thursday — a month after she spoke out against a proposal to split the district in two. view article  arw

Texas House wants to give public schools $220 more per student

February 2108:40 AM

The proposal, filed Thursday, comes well short of the increase school administrators and education advocates have been asking for.   view article  arw

Texas Lottery ticket sales to third-party services fuel controversy and questions about the agency’s future

February 2108:38 AM

While the Lottery Commission says it can’t regulate sales to couriers, lawmakers want changes after two major jackpots were won using those services.   view article  arw