Congratulations to the following New Supers


92 Superintendent Vacancies Click to expand

Vacant Crockett ISD; Search by: Arrow Educational ServicesINFO
Vacant Needville ISD; Search by: Arrow Educational ServicesINFO
Vacant Uvalde CISD; Search By: Region 20 ESCINFO
Vacant Blooming Grove ISD; Search by: Blooming Grove ISD Board of Trustees & Gary MartelINFO
Vacant Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Carrizo Springs ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Dickinson ISD; Search by: Dickinson ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant La Gloria ISD; Search by: La Gloria ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Whitney ISD; Search by: Whitney ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Pineywoods Community Academy
Vacant Dilley ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Kermit ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Burton ISD; Search by: Powell Law Group, Dr. Danny LovettINFO
Vacant Union Hill ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Socorro ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Grape Creek ISD; Search by: Grape Creek ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Santa Maria ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Vysehrad ISD; Search by: Region 3 ESC, Exec. Dir. Morris LyonINFO
Vacant Pettus ISD - Jesus Hernandez III, Chief of Staff,Southwest ISD; Search by: JCA Law, PLLC
and DBU Educational Leadership Consulting Corporation.INFO
Vacant University of Texas High School Special Purpose District; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Grandbury ISD; Search by: Arrow Educational ServicesINFO
Vacant Scurry-Rosser ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Huntington ISD; Search by: Kelli Karczewski, Fisher FirmINFO
Vacant Granger ISD; Search by: Leasor Crass, P.CINFO
Vacant Bremond ISD; Search by: Bremond ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Santa Rosa ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Plains ISD; Search by: Leasor Crass, P.CINFO
Vacant Pasadena ISD - Search by: TASB Executive Search Services; INFO
Vacant San Isidro ISD (Short Timeline); Search by: Region One ESC, Exec. Dir. Dr. Daniel P. KingINFO
Vacant Queen City ISD; Search by: Danny Lovett, Powell Law GroupINFO
Vacant Commerce ISD - Search by: Commerce ISD Board of Trustees; INFO
Vacant Gonzales ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Charlotte Baker,INFO
Vacant Decatur ISD; Search by: Decatur ISD Board of Trustees INFO
Vacant Livingston ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Dell City ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Seminole ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Hudson ISD - Search by: TASB Executive Search Services; INFO
Vacant Groesbeck ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Compass Academy Charter School
(Odessa); Search by: Kathy Killingsworth, Interim Superintent assisted by Larry Lee, Leadership Consultant with Region 18INFO
Vacant Bonham ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Bells ISD; Search by: Bells ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Vacant Gustine ISD - Coy Barker, Principal,McCamey ISD; Search by: Ronnie KincaidINFO
Vacant Ennis ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Pearsall ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Charlotte Baker,INFO
Vacant Holland ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Central Heights ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Borger ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Smithville ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Comstock ISD; Comstock ISD Board of Trustees and O.K. Wolfenbarger IIIINFO
Vacant Karnes City ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Dr. Ann DixonINFO
Vacant Muleshoe ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Edgewood ISD
(Region 7); Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Lubbock-Cooper ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Vacant Frank Liu Jr. Academy of Music and Art

 ; Thompson & Horton LLP - David Thompson & Dr. Mike MosesINFO
Vacant Waxahachie ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Dr. Ann DixonINFO
Vacant Monahans-Wickett-Pyote ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant Olney ISD
(Young Co.); Search by: Region 9 ESC, Darren Francis and Kenny MillerINFO
Vacant Throckmorton Collegiate ISD; Search by: Region 9 ESC, Darren Francis and Kenny MillerINFO
Vacant Lake Worth ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Vacant New Home ISD; Search by: Region 17 ESC, Kyle Wargo Exec. DirectorINFO
Vacant Webb CISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Schulenburg ISD; Search by: Texans for Excellence in Education, John PetreeINFO
Vacant Moulton ISD; <p>Search by: Region 3 ESC, <a href="">Exec. Dir. Morris Lyon</a></p>INFO
Vacant Sweetwater ISD; Search by: CCR Educational Consultants, Dr. Skip Casey, Staci Robertson, & Rod TownsendINFO
Vacant Forsan ISD; Search by: Region 18 ESCDr. Dewitt SmithINFO
Vacant Hidalgo ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Vacant Dawson ISD; Search by: Powell Law Group, Danny LovettINFO
Vacant Jim Ned CISD; Search by: Ronnie KincaidINFO
Lone Finalist Valley View ISD - James Womack, Superintendent,Richland Springs ISD; Education Solutions and Services Mike Smith & Letha HopkinsINFO
Lone Finalist Dew ISD - Kent Reynolds, Superintendent,Hallsburg ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Lone Finalist Early ISD - Joan Otten, Director,Katy ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Richards ISD - Michael Smith, Chief Operations Officer,West Hardin ISD; Search by: Leon|Alcala PLLCINFO
Lone Finalist Northside ISD (Wilbarger Co.)  - Paul Ryan, Superintendent,Rio Vista ISD; Search by: Region 9 ESC, Darren Francis and Kenny MillerINFO
Lone Finalist Carroll ISD - Dr. Jeremy Glenn, Superintendent,Grandbury ISD; Search by: Carrrol ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Lone Finalist Hutto ISD - Jeni Neatherlin, Superintendent,Granger ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Louise ISD - Richard Wright, Superintendent,Agua Dulce ISD; Search by: Leon|Alcala PLLCINFO
Lone Finalist San Benito CISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Waco ISD - Dr. Tiffany Spicer, Superintendent,Buna ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Onalaska ISD - Dr. Kenneth Fraga, Assistant Superintendent,Onalaska ISD; Search by: Onalaska ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Lone Finalist Graham ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Lone Finalist Lueders-Avoca ISD - Dr. Joe Alcorta, Superintendent,Dalhart ISD; Search by: Ronnie KincaidINFO
Lone Finalist Lipan ISD - Jimmie Dobbs, Interim Superintendent,Lipan ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Calvert ISD - Latisha Crockett-Tennell, Interim Superintendent,Calvert ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Lone Finalist Albany ISD - Daryl Stuard, Superintendent,Bremond ISD; Search by: Ronnie KincaidINFO
Lone Finalist Victoria ISD - Shelia Collazo, Deputy Superintendent,Somerset ISD; Search by: JCA Law, PLLC and Saul HinojosaINFO
Lone Finalist Hawkins ISD - Jeff Hutchins, Director of Operations,Van ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Lone Finalist Monte Alto ISD - Rashad Javed Rana, Assistant Superintendent,Donna ISD; Search by: O’Hanlon, Demerath & CastilloINFO
Lone Finalist Grandfalls-Royalty ISD - Carlos Contreras, Superintendent,Dell City ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Copperas Cove ISD - Brent Hawkins, Superintendent,Livingston ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
Lone Finalist Utopia ISD - Joshua Ham, Principal,San Saba ISD; Search by: Utopia ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
Lone Finalist Buna ISD - Dr. Julie Motomura, Superintendent,​Schulenburg ISD; Search By: Buna ISD Board of Trustees INFO
Lone Finalist Ector County ISD - Search by: TASB Executive Search Services, Keeley Boyer,Ector County ISD; INFO
Lone Finalist Splendora ISD - Dustin Bromley, Deputy Superintendent,La Porte ISD; Search by: Impact Education Specialists - Doug Williams, Kevin Worthy, Blake Cooper and Stan SurrattINFO
Lone Finalist Mount Calm ISD - Jay Underwood, Deputy Superintendent,Anna ISD; Search by: Powell Law Group, Shaun BarnettINFO
Lone Finalist Guthrie CSD - Jason Lawson, Principal,Krum ISD; Search by: Region 17 ESC, Kyle Wargo Exec. DirectorINFO
Lone Finalist Waskom ISD - Chris Guastella, Principal,Ferris ISD; Search by: Leasor Crass, P.CINFO
Lone Finalist Deer Park ISD - Dr. Tiffany Reagan, Assistant Superintendent,Deer Park ISD; Search by: Deer Park ISD Board of TrusteesINFO
New Super Mathis ISD - Todd White, Superintendent,Santa Anna ISD; Search by: TASB Executive Search ServicesINFO
New Super Dickinson ISD - Dr. Rebecca Brown, Deputy Superintendent,La Porte ISD; Search by: SPALDING NICHOLS LAMP LANGLOISINFO
New Super Hereford ISD - Dr. Ralph Carter, Superintendent,Lipan ISD; Hereford ISD Board of Trustees & Region 16 ESC, Dr. Tanya Larkin, Exec. Dir.INFO
New Super Region 10 ESC
Executive Director - Dr. Jana Melsheimer, Deputy Director,Region 10 ESC; Thomposon & Horton LLP - David Thompson & Dr. Mike MosesINFO
New Super Amarillo ISD - Dr. Deidre Parish, Superintendent,Sweetwater ISD; Search by: Walsh, Gallegos, Kyle, Robinson & Roalson P.C.& Education Consultant Dr. Ann DixonINFO
New Super Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD; Thompson & Horton LLP - David Thompson & Dr. Mike MosesINFO
New Super Grand Prairie ISD - Dr. Gabriel Trujillo, Superintendent,Nacogdoches ISD; Search by: Grand Prairie ISD Board of TrusteesINFO

Preventive Law: Spring Break Cometh: Special Education Refresher for Mid-year Transfers

March 0508:35 AM

Spring break is right around the corner! While schools welcome a much-needed break, they must also be ready to welcome possible new transfer students upon return. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) imposes certain requirements regarding the provision of special education services to students who transfer from one public agency to another. See 34 C.F.R. § 300.323(e)-(g). Within the past year, the Commissioner revised the administrative rules governing how Texas districts must respond when a special education student transfer into their district from another public school district (in-state or out-of-state). The following is a brief overview of those obligations for mid-year transfer students.

Texas Senate passes bill to fund safer railroad crossings after Houston ISD student’s death

March 2708:26 AM

A bipartisan bill to create a $350 million grant program for safer railroad crossings is heading to the Texas House after passing unanimously through the Senate this week. Senate Bill 1555 was filed after the death of Sergio Rodriguez — a 15-year-old Houston ISD student who was struck by a train while walking to Milby High School. The fatal crash occurred on the morning of Dec. 9 at 2000 Broadway St., near the East End campus. view article  arw

Fort Worth ISD superintendent unveils plan to move coaches into classrooms

March 2708:26 AM

Superintendent Karen Molinar’s plan impacts instructional coaches on school campuses. These are the people who help train teachers to better help students succeed. Now, those coaches will be required to teach in the classroom and work directly with students. They’ll still work to coach their peers but will also have to do hands-on work in the classroom. view article  arw

Fort Worth ISD superintendent unveils plan to move coaches into classrooms

March 2708:25 AM

Superintendent Karen Molinar’s plan impacts instructional coaches on school campuses. These are the people who help train teachers to better help students succeed. Now, those coaches will be required to teach in the classroom and work directly with students. They’ll still work to coach their peers but will also have to do hands-on work in the classroom. view article  arw

Pastor says ‘ungodly’ lifestyle disqualifies Deer Park ISD superintendent finalist Dr. Tiffany Regan

March 2708:25 AM

A Deer Park pastor is facing backlash after calling on a longtime educator to repent for what he termed an "ungodly and immoral" lifestyle. Pastor Doug Harris made the remarks during a Sunday sermon at Central Baptist Church on March 16. Two days earlier, the Deer Park ISD school board had named Dr. Tiffany Regan the lone finalist for the superintendent position. view article  arw

Bryan ISD’s 2025-26 budget remains ‘uncertain’

March 2708:25 AM

“Uncertain” was one of the words used by Bryan ISD leadership to describe the 2025-2026 school year budget development process at its board meeting on Monday. With pending legislation at the state level and the future of the Department of Education in question, district leaders said this has made it challenging to build a financial plan. view article  arw

Millsap Elementary principal recommended daughter for Weatherford ISD job amid child abuse probe

March 2708:23 AM

A North Texas school district says it was left in the dark when it hired an educator who was under investigation for child abuse. Paxton Bean was one of two educators arrested for mistreating a boy with autism in a special needs classroom. view article  arw

Round Rock ISD prepares for worst case scenario amid possible $16 million deficit

March 2608:51 AM

As school districts look at their budgets for future decisions, Round Rock ISD is bracing for the worst. Superintendent Dr. Hafedh Azaiez says Round Rock ISD's worst-case scenario is a potential $16 million deficit for the 2025-26 school year. While there are still a lot of unknowns, Azaiez said the district does not want staff to lose their jobs. Still, budget measures will need to be taken. view article  arw

‘This should have never happened’: Mother of Serenity Baker addresses Killeen ISD board during meeting

March 2608:31 AM

Killeen ISD superintendent Dr. Jo Ann Fey and the school board met Tuesday to talk about school safety as kids finished their first day back at Roy J. Smith Middle School two weeks after a deadly on campus stabbing. The meeting started with open comment, where dozens of parents and community members were given the opportunity to voice their concerns. Most of them spoke about bullying within all schools. view article  arw

Grand Prairie ISD board approves Dr. Gabriel Trujillo as new superintendent

March 2608:29 AM

Grand Prairie ISD officially has a new superintendent. On Tuesday, the GPISD Board of Trustees voted to approve Dr. Gabriel Trujillo's contract as the new Superintendent of Schools. The board announced Dr. Trujillo as the lone finalist for the position earlier this month. Trujillo has 30 years of experience in public education, according to a previous board announcement, including seven years in Grand Prairie ISD. During his GPISD tenure, he served as the Director of Secondary Education, Chief of Schools and Area Superintendent. Trujillo has served as the superintendent of Nagadoches ISD for the last five years. view article  arw

Millsap ISD superintendent resigns after arrest, allegations educators abused student with autism

March 2608:29 AM

Embroiled in controversy after a video surfaced showing educators allegedly hitting a 10-year-old student with autism, the superintendent of Millsap Independent School District resigned, the school board announced Monday. Only three minutes into the meeting, the board announced that Edie Martin signed a termination agreement, effective immediately. In an executive session, the board accepted her resignation with a unanimous 6-0 vote. view article  arw

An electrical workers union sued Corpus Christi ISD. Here’s where the lawsuit stands.

March 2608:26 AM

Members of a local electrical workers union and Corpus Christi ISD legal counsel disagreed on the union's lawsuit against the school district during a Monday evening school board meeting. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 278 alleges that Corpus Christi Independent School District has not properly determined wage rates. The union, along with 16 local construction workers, began the lawsuit in 2023. view article  arw

San Antonio ISD trustees approve cutting at least 32 positions

March 2608:26 AM

The board of trustees for the San Antonio Independent School District voted on Monday to eliminate at least 32 positions at the end of the school year. The roles being eliminated are concentrated in the district’s central office. Most of the affected employees are tasked with writing curriculum. Deputy Superintendent Shawn Bird told trustees the district no longer needs employees to write curriculum because the district plans to use instructional materials approved by the state. view article  arw

Suspect arrested in connection with threats made toward 3 Edgewood ISD schools, district says

March 2608:26 AM

The district said the threats against the three targeted schools — Brentwood STEAM School of Innovation, Gus Garcia University School and Roy Cisneros Leadership School — were posted to social media and promptly investigated by Edgewood ISD police officers. District officials said its police department investigation led to an arrest. Additional information on the suspect, including their identity and any potential connection to the district, is unclear. view article  arw

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Beaumont ISD sees significant improvement in teacher recruitment

March 2608:25 AM

Beaumont ISD says it's experiencing notable success in its efforts to recruit new staff, particularly teachers. The district has expanded its search, attracting educators with advanced degrees and years of experience. Brandon Basinger, Assistant Director of Human Resources, tells KFDM/Fox 4 the the number of highly qualified teachers has more than doubled, from 30 to 62. view article  arw

Progress continues on 2 Argyle ISD construction projects

March 2608:25 AM

Argyle ISD Construction Manager Jeff Koehn gave an update to the board of trustees March 24 on progress at the district’s new high school stadium and middle school.  view article  arw

Fort Bend ISD trustees vote to review state-created Bluebonnet Learning curriculum

March 2608:25 AM

Fort Bend ISD trustees voted to take a closer look at the controversial, state-created Bluebonnet Learning curriculum during Monday night's board meeting. At this point, they didn't decide to adopt the curriculum, they just decided to review it, according to our news partners at the Houston Chronicle. That decision means FBISD will be sent a free pilot set of materials to review. view article  arw

Driver runs red light, crashes into East Central ISD school bus, district says

March 2608:25 AM

No students were on board when an East Central ISD school bus got into an accident on the southeast side of town early Tuesday morning. It happened around 6:30 a.m. in the 3600 block of South WW White Road not far from Loop 410. A driver of another vehicle reportedly ran a red light and hit the school bus, which ended up in a ditch on the side of the road following the crash, according to a spokesman for East Central ISD. view article  arw

Fort Bend ISD moves forward with Bluebonnet curriculum amid controversy

March 2608:25 AM

Fort Bend ISD's Board of Trustees voted Monday night to approve a set of materials for the Bluebonnet Learning Curriculum to give staff the ability to review it and evaluate the potential impact on existing instructional resources. The curriculum of religious teachings in Texas elementary schools. According to Monday night's agenda this was recommended by the superintendent of schools. view article  arw

Brenham ISD reviewing allegations of teacher injuring student

March 2608:25 AM

The Brenham school district confirms it is looking into allegations that a teacher injured a student in a classroom this week. The alleged incident took place on Monday at the middle school, according to family members of the student involved. “We can confirm that the matter is being reviewed by our Human Resources Department in accordance with district policy and state law,” said Brooke Trahan, Chief Communications & Engagement Officer for Brenham ISD. view article  arw

Lufkin ISD board approves list of positions to be affected in staff reduction

March 2608:25 AM

In the district’s special meeting Monday morning, Superintendent Dr. James Hockenberry submitted his recommended list of employment areas to be affected by a reduction in force of employment contracts or positions based upon the determination of a program change. The reduction could include some members of staff in the following positions as approved by the board: view article  arw

Bryan ISD Superintendent Ginger Carrabine on WTAW

March 2608:21 AM

Superintendent Karen Molinar’s plan impacts instructional coaches on school campuses. These are the people who help train teachers to better help students succeed. Now, those coaches will be required to teach in the classroom and work directly with students. They’ll still work to coach their peers but will also have to do hands-on work in the classroom. view article  arw

After 40 years, Crow says goodbye to Taylor ISD

March 2608:06 AM

After a career spanning four decades, Tim Crow is riding into the sunset. He recently announced his retirement from Taylor Independent School District and officially hung up his education hat at a retirement party on Tuesday. Crow has been a Taylor institution all unto himself. Those under the age of 40 have never known Taylor ISD without him in it. view article  arw

Midland ISD adds Health Occupations Students of America for health science students

March 2510:26 AM

Midland ISD has introduced a new kind of competition to its students through the Health Occupations Students of America or HOSA. The organization encourages science education, leadership, and career preparation in healthcare. HOSA is a student-led organization that motivates health science instructors and students to improve the delivery of quality health care to all people. view article  arw

All three Lubbock-area school districts saw decline in STAAR/EOC test scores in 2024

March 2408:28 AM

It's that time again when the state's governing education agency gives its report card to local school districts. The Texas Education Agency publishes what is called the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), an extensive report that breaks down schools and their districts on student performance and district programs. view article  arw

Killeen ISD mother says daughter was bullied at Manor Middle School day after fatal stabbing at Roy J. Smith Middle

March 2408:25 AM

A Killeen Independent School District parent is turning to homeschooling after filing a bully report alleging her child was threatened to be killed with a pair of scissors by another student during class. Steacy Muñoz alleges this happened at Manor Middle School on March 11, the day after another student was fatally stabbed at Roy J. Smith Middle School. view article  arw

Northside ISD may expand class sizes to address budget woes

March 2408:25 AM

Unsure about future state funding for public education, San Antonio’s largest school district is looking at a long menu of cost-saving measures — including larger class sizes — in hopes of fending off layoffs or school closures. view article  arw

Three Millsap ISD educators charged in special education abuse case

March 2408:23 AM

Throughout her son's life, Carissa Cornelius has been her 10-year-old’s voice. "He has autism and he's non-verbal,” said Cornelius. But there’s never been a time that she needed the persistence or volume used since she said she first saw a video of what law enforcement is calling an assault in his special education classroom at Millsap Elementary School back in February. view article  arw

Groveton residents manage without water as city refills storage tanks

March 2408:22 AM

“Every 10 to 15 minutes they have a question, when is this water coming back on, when is this water coming back on,” Stacy Smith, the manager of Groveton Housing Authority said. That’s the question on everyone’s mind, including city officials who thought their water issue would be fixed after repairing and replacing parts of the city’s well on Saturday. view article  arw

Midland ISD might hand over four more campuses to charter operator

March 2408:22 AM

The Midland ISD board of trustees will consider turning over four more of its elementary schools to a charter school operator. view article  arw

Man arrested at Bryan ISD stadium, accused of threats during track meet

March 2408:19 AM

A Bryan man was arrested Friday at Bryan ISD’s Merrill Green Stadium during the district’s annual fourth grade track meet, according to a press release from the district. Bryan police arrested John Villapando, 29, for three counts of making a terroristic threat causing fear of imminent serious bodily injury. Bryan ISD said Villapando made a verbal threat to shoot several bystanders and was “quickly located and detained by Bryan Police Department School Resource Officers.” view article  arw

Hardin ISD responds to alleged sexual assault on school bus

March 2408:13 AM

In response to questions concerning an alleged sexual assault that purportedly took place on a Hardin ISD school bus between two elementary students earlier this month, Hardin ISD released the following statement: “Hardin Independent School District takes every report of concern very seriously. The safety and welfare of our students is always our number one priority. We respond to every report of inappropriate sexual conduct with urgency, professionalism, and care following all required protocols. view article  arw

Texas Tech school leaders reflect on impact, lesson learned during COVID-19 pandemic

March 2408:12 AM

Long before COVID-19 made its presence known in Lubbock, Texas Tech University System leadership and presidents started having conversations with each other about how to prepare and safeguard 85,000 students, faculty and staff for the worst. While the novel coronavirus was new in those early months of 2020, it gave one of the leaders flashbacks to when they were in school earning their medical degree. view article  arw

CPS Energy program pays off for Edgewood ISD

March 2408:12 AM

Across 17 campuses, Edgewood Independent School District is doing everything possible to reduce its energy usage. “Turning off lights, not leaving doors open, making our units run when it’s super hot so we can keep temperature the way they should be,” said Jonathan Torres, Edgewood ISD Director of Operations. view article  arw